sea hawks

sea hawks

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Just started watching the tv show suits, it's so good. If you have a chance go on netflix and check it out 

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Anchorman 2

We went to see anchorman 2 yesterday,
It was funny but it was also pretty stupid. One of my biggest pet peeves so when they take really good first movies and try to make a sequel that couldn't possibly compare. The second movie is always the worst 

Friday, December 13, 2013


You see this gold fish. This is my favorite gold fish. He belongs to mrs.blankenborg but I plan on pulling off a master heist to claim him as my own. Then well live out the rest of our days together. Me and general side eyes. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas tree

Mom just put up the Christmas tree today, it doesn't have lights yet but I think it kind of looks cool with out lights 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dialogue post

Dialogue tags = purple

non verbal dialogue = yellow

Robot Suicide

"Are you sure you want to do this?" 12v5 asked quietly.

"You can't feel anything in this body, what's the point of the so called life if you can't feel anything? the touch of the grass, the wind on your face, these are thing I dont want to live without anymore." 24RS replied.

"How do you even know this is going to work?" 12v5 said skeptically

"I don't, this is how humans do it in movies. Why wouldn't it work for us, right?"

"Well what if it does work?" 12v5 said angirly. "Your just going to leave me and 36S by ourselves? How selfish can you be? we're going to have to wait until our batteries die to see you again. Assuming that that would even work!" 12v5 found himself overcome with a feeling he had never felt before. A sicking turning in his stomach. He was so angry he wanted to break down the steal door at the top of the stairs and smash the little black and white t.v in th corner into a million pieces. All the while wanting to walk into the corner and just shutdown forever.

24RS walked up to 12v5 and put his hand on his shoulder "12v5 you've got to understand that this is what I want"

"I dont see how anyone could want this." 12v5 said shaking his head.

" I believe there's something more out there then green screens and flashing lights, I have to."

"like what?" 12v5 replied.

"I'm not sure, I guess I'm about to find out."

24RS walked over to the old dusty rocking chair that sat under the tattered rope hanging from one of the seiling rafters. Slowly he pulled himself up balancing on the chair and wraped the small circular ring around his neck. 24RS looked around the room slowley one last time as he tried feeling his metal outter pannaling one last time. Finally he kicked the chair, As the rope tightend the room was almost silent.

"24RS?" 12v5 asked quitely. There was no reply

Sunday, December 1, 2013


Just finished the book tweak last night,
I really liked it a lot, although it could be pretty gross at times it was still super interesting to read. I just started reading this book called my beautiful boy written by his dad, so far it's not that good but I'm kind of just waiting to see when nic gets into his adolesence. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013


I) where did you go? 
- we went around the janitor room and the hairstyling room to see what the adult were talking about as appose to what kids our age would say 
II) how long did you listen to the conversation?
- we listened to the janitors for about 5 minutes and the hairstylists for about 4 minutes 
III) who was is between?
-it was between 3 janitors and a hairstylist and someone getting their haircut 
IV) how did it feel to be recording the conversation? 
-creepy lol 

2. What insists did you gain about the way people speak?

we noticed that the janitors were pretty opinionated and the third janitor wasn't very talk-a-tive and just more listened, the first janitor wouldn't take a advice and both insisted that there point of view was right.

3. How can you apply this to your writing ? 
This can apply to your writing by giving perspectives of people you may not interact with on a daily basis and give a realistic point of view about a character you may be writing about. is personality and character released though conversation/dialogue?

You can tell a lot about some ones personality about how they talk in there conversation. Like for example one of the janitors was very persistent and had to be right so you can kind of assume that that is always his personality. And the one janitor didn't talk to much so you can kind of assume he's more of a wall flower.

5. What happens when more than two people participate in a conversation? 

It seems that two people more take over the conversation ad the third person kind of lays back and listens more, the third person with the janitors chimed in every once and a whole but not nearly as much as the first two

6. What was the most surprising thing you've learned about the way people converse? 

I learned that different people converse very similar to the way me and my friends converse, I thought that the hairstylists and janitors would interact a lot different then I'm used to but the conversations were very similar. I think people unviversally talk very similar 

7 what are the differences between spoken conversation and written conversation? 

Spoken conversation makes it easier to inderstand what the person is saying and how they're trying to convey their message because you can physically see and hear the body language and tone of the speech, something you can't with written text 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hunting trip

Just came back from hunting, my dad got a buck and my cousin got two, me and my brother didn't shoot any but we can go any time now cause me and him are officially métis. We can get deer anytime of the year and twice as many as an average joe so I'm pretty pumped. I might not have gotten a deer this weekend  but on the bright side I didn't have to do any work on my science project that's now finished 

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Laundry mat of horror writing prompt

A pale green light was the only thing keeping the building from complete darkness. Spider webs and dust covered the walls and John was overcome with a smell of rotting fruit, he didn't know why but for some reason he was compelled to keep moving forward into the laundry mat, he has no idea why he came to this laundry mat or even how he got there. The only thing john can focus on now is his surroundings. As he walks down the empty aisle he feels a chiver crawl up his spine slowly like frozen spiders. His heart is beating so hard against his chest  that he can almost hear it. finally he decides to turn around and leave when something catches his eye, he turns around quickly to see what it was but nothing was there, he waits a second and looks around to make sure that what he saw was just his mind playing tricks on him. At that point the blood had left his finger tips and his knees started to shake. Then he heard something. A scratching sound like a person scratching there skin along with a subtle soft banging. He realized the noise was coming from a dryer. Fear and sickness over came him but still he slowly arched his back to see what was inside. As he slumped slower an slower towards the window, he started to lose all feeling, he could no longer feel the cold air on his neck nor the rotten smell of laundry mat. Just john and the window in a room of darkness. Finally his eyes met the window. John couldn't remember what he saw in the dryer. He couldn't even remember if the laundry mat was real. All he could remember was the smell of rotten fruit and the pale green light of the laundry mat that his friends say never existed

Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Going hunting this weekend. Im super excited, im going with my dad, brother and a few other guys. Last year I shot a buck the first time I went out. it was pretty awesome. It was so cold that the best part about the trip was sticking my hands inside the deer to gut it because it was -30 and the deer entrails were so warm. Im pretty pumped.

Sold us the island for 5 dollars

Obviously they sold us the island for five dollars because something terrible has inhabited the island and the people on the island have to feed the moster or it will swim to civilization and start destroying all of the people on earth. But little did the people selling us the island know that me and my 6 friends have abilities.. special abilitities, not to be tampered with. half of us can shape shift and the other half have the power of telacanesis. But since there's seven of us one of the people didn't have powers because that wouldnt be fair to either side so Jared is just a regular guy. but once we got on the island little did we know that the island wass actually  the monster and everytime we said a word with an f or a q in it, it would slowey start to eat our feet until we were dead. Jared died first, half of us flew away cause we could shape shift into birds and the people with telacanisis all combined there powers and convinced the island to kill its self with a gigantic hand gun. then everyone was saved, except Jared, he didnt make it. Oh well.
five-dollar island


I would ng make them build me everything I wanted, they would steal the material and I would ask for things. Firstly I would get them to make me a chair, but not just any old chair but a grand chair meant for a king. It would have a tv built into it and it would also have a soda machine and it would be awesome. Also I would get them to carry out my bidding like sabatoging people so I could further persue the things I want to persue. And at the end of the week we would have this huge party and everyone would be invited and the minions would have to pay for it with money they've aquirred. Oh and they would all be wearing suits and glasses like the men in black. and they would follow me around like my entorage and if any one tried to mess with me they would have to deal with my minions. Oh and they would make my pizza whenever I asked.

Reading assignment #6- Book: Tweak, Author: Nic Sheff, Page:157,

From the prespective of Gack, Nic and, Lauren

1.@nicster: Back in sanfransico, gunna get some of that good dope and light it up #turn #up

2.@gackattack: yo, got some of that good, text me or my dad if you need a hookup #buisness #ballin

3.@Laurenn: so done with this rehab center, cant wait to get out and finally have some freedom   #sodone

4-12.@nicster: So fortunate I met my boy @gackattack never would have surivived if he wasnt here #blessed

(reply) @gackattack: @nicster just as fortunate man, but no more of this soft crap!!! dont want people thinking we've gone soft #ballin

(reply)  @Laurenn: @nicster @gackattack hey boys dont forget about me ;) you guys need me more then anything and don't you forget it!!

(reply) @nicster: @laurenn @gackattack yea..... jk babe of course <3 can I come by later

(reply) @gackattack: @laurenn @nicster enough with this mushy stuff! seriously its getting gross..#comeonguys

(reply) @laurenn: @gackatttack @nicster Don't pretend you dont like it ;p and i don't know babe.. maybe closesr around 12 #parents

(reply) @nicster: @gackattack @laurenn you got it babe :) and gack you can just leave.. #cryaboutit

(reply) @gackattack: @nicster @laurenn alright enough of this #textme

(reply) @nicster: @gackattack @laurenn kk ill text youu both later #peace!

13-15@nicster: Don't really know what im even doing here anymore. thinking about just leaving... idk #confused #why

(reply) @laurenn: @nicster why are you saying this babe :( just come over and we'll talk ...

(reply) @nicster: @lauren I don't know babe, maybe not tonight, just gotta figure some stuff out

16.@gackattack: Yo running out quick, buy up!!! #hurryup #getitwhileitshot

17.@laurenn: you gotta believe in yourself #encourage

18-25.@nicster: leaving sanfransico, gotta clear my head #peace!!

(reply) @gackattack: @nicster Dude don't make any rash decisions, come over well do a shot and youll feel better #brothers

(reply) @nicster:  @gackattack cant man I gotta figure stuff out on my own for a bit, I have tostart living my life

(reply) @gackattack: @nicster alright man but when you come to your senses gimme a call!! #youllbeback

(reply) @nicster: @gackattack yea will do man!

(reply) @laurenn: why are doing this!! call mee :(

(reply) @nicster: K I will if I get the chance #loveyou

(reply) @laurenn: you better call.... #worried

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Pred Lax

Today I'm practicing with my club team, I've been playing for three years and this will be my last year. It's been super fun and we just got new helmets this year so it's been pretty sweet. Dave and kylo are good coaches and they've taught me a lot 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Reading assignment #5- Character POV tweets

Nics Tweets

man it's so cold out here on the street, wish I had a warm bed to sleep in.... what ever tho #tired #hungry

miss my family :( wish that i could kick this thing and be with them. looks like just a dream at this  point  #disappointment #lonley

Just had the best coffe of my life! #longoverdue #creamygoodness

yo, got a new hook up on some really good stuff if any of you guys need, just gimme a text or call before, running out quick! #buisness

If any one sees a big fat greasy guy named jeff, let him no i'm coming for em... #theif #payback

Runng out of money quick... dont know how much longer I can keep this up #longrun

So thankful I have my new girlfriend in my life to look after me, always has my back @laurenh #greatgirl #loveher

everything that kills me makes me feel alive #motto #wordstoliveby

have to go back to L.A and clear my head... can't live my life this way anymore. see ya later sanfransico! be back soon...maybe #backhome

dont think ive ever felt this bad in my entire life #dying #withdrawl

Ive never been so torn lately, dont even know if life is worth living without being high #whatsthepoint

so thankful for spenser. would never have made it through all this without him #guardianangle

pasta and friends, what more could a guy ask for #friendship

Just me and the lil miss for tonight #cutiepie

shout out to my boy spencer. I hope your doing well man. Im here for you. #prayforspencer

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I just saw the movie prisoners recently,
It was a little dry at parts but all in all a sick movie. I think hugh Jackman did a really good job but jake jillanhall was by far the best actor 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

6 word memoir debrief

What did I learn about storytelling?

As a story teller I learned that you don't have to be so literal when your telling your stories. By being limited to only 6 words it kind of forces you to give a basic outline of what your trying to say and leave the readers to interpret it the way they want to. Also by doing this it gives people different opinions about your writing and can open up debates about the story.

Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills?

I used my knowledge of story telling skills I think in my hate memoir. In that memoir it brings up a topic not to openly talked about and that can be pretty controversial because there are to two very different opinions on the subject and it still affects a lot of peoples lives today. I also think I used my story telling skills on the memoir about my brother because I think a lot of people can relate to that and it probably makes them think about their own family.

What did I learn as a reader, writer, thinker, storyteller?

As a writer I learnt that the phrase "a picture is worth a thousand words" really applies to this assignment because it not so much the words in your story your using to tell your story but the picture you chose. Also puncutation to tell story really helped when trying to emphasize whaat you were trying to say

Character iPhone

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

6 word memoir #8

This six word memoir is about my brother. I picked the white and black coloured font because the picture was so dark that it was hard to read any other colour. I chose this picture of troy because he's not smiling and he almost looks mad and that's what I'm trying to portray in this picture. the fact that he can be mean but he's still family so I love him. I didn't choose any contrasting color filters or brightness filters on this picture because I wanted it to be just of troy and how he is in every day life.

6 word memoir #7

In this picture I chose to use the white coloured font because it's kind of universal and so I could use it against the red and the blue back drop. I tried to get red and blue in the picture because I think that they really stand out as bold colors and they also make you see the green and yellow in the salad. I turned the brightness and contrast way up in this picture because I wanted to see those bold colors because that's the way I feel about zesto's when I think about it. very happy and bright. that's also why I chose to put a smiley face at the end.

6 word memoir #6

I this picture I turned the contrast way up and turned the brightness a little down so you could the golden colors of the leaves on the tree. I also put the font of my word gold so that the phrase "Golden years" can be actually seen in the picture. Using the gold in my picture as well kind of makes it seem to me that the picture is more like a memory of how we'll remember our time here in 10 years and not an accurate depiction of how it actually looks today. Because looking back we'll see that some of our most fun times happened at this place.

6 word memoir #5

For this memoir I took a screen shot of the calendar on my phone to kind of represent yesterday and tomorrow. I didn't really know where to go from there, but when I saw the text crop option on the studio app I knew what I was going to do. I chose the blue background because it's easier on the eyes than most colours and the red text because I think the contrast of the background to text really makes the words pop and gives them more meaning. I also mad the first text bigger to state a fact that some people my not enjoy but put the second text smaller to subtly hint that anything can happen.

6 word memoir #4

In this picture I chose to write my text over the guns cause I found that they were much harder to read in front of the camo jacket. I turned the brightness way up in this picture because the gun room in my basement is super gloomy but I also found that it made the browns on the guns and on the jacket really stand out and have a cool colour. I was originally going to just put a coma between "shoot deer" and "drink beer" but I thought numbering them would be more effective. kind of making a list of the keys to happiness.

6 word memoir #3

In this picture I'm not sure a lot of people got it. I was trying to represent the word still so regularly used in our society today without actually saying it. I'm still not going to say it but its a derogatory word used for gay people that starts with "F". I used the red because I think it is a very bold colour and it pops against the black. I didn't have any blank paper so I used loose leaf and turned the background brightness very high which actually gave it a cool affect that it liked a lot.

6 word memoir #2

In this picture I chose to use black and white because it's not a memory I'm particularly fond of. Thinking back on it I still feel sad so using the black and white kind of represents the sadness of the whole situation. I chose to use white font on the top of the picture because there's a black kind of background and black font on the bottom to contrast the ice. Also I liked placing the "for second place" under our faces because then the reader sees that none of us are smiling and maybe wonders why, then realizes it's because we lost in the championship.

6 word memoir #1

For this picture I just chose a picture of myself playing lacrosse. The picture was already pretty blurry so I couldn't really put any affects on it or it would just further ruin the quality. I picked the Light blue font because I'm wearing a blue pinny and the head of my stick is also blue. I chose to put the heart at the end of the text as well to further express my love for the game while still having to only use 6 words. I also like this picture because it shows the planes in the background and that was one of my favorite parts playing in this specific lacrosse tournament, it brings back good memories.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

This is one of my favorite scenes in any movie. Michael Fassbender is my favorite actor and he plays in two of some of my favorite scenes in any movie, this being one of them. I find movies now a days kind of lack those draw dropping scenes where you can feel the main characters emotions while watching and this scene did that for me.
This is one of my favorite videos, these are just a few highlights for the MLL which is the highest level of field lacrosse you can play.

Monday, September 16, 2013

reading survey

My experiences with reading has changed through out school. In elementary school reading was kind of celebrated and it was cool trying to expand your knowledge and learn through reading. But in middle school reading fell by the way side. I started to find it boring and I had started to get interested in other things like sports and new friends so reading was the last thing on my mind. I never really liked reading again till a couple years ago in grade 10. Before it was just a way to obtain information but I realized you can experience things through reading that you cant get from other things like t.v. or  movies. With books you can imagine the setting and characters the way you want too. that's something you can only get from reading, the ability to use your imagination but still have it guided by the plot. When you watch movies or t.v. your just retaining information but when you read it forces your mind to use your imagination and that's a tool that can improve your creativity and understanding and that can help you with so many other aspects in your life. My favorite book that I've ever read I think was old yeller. it was a really good story with an even better ending. after reading the book then watching the movie it really emphasises how good the book actually was. This semester I really want to broaden my understanding of literature and writing so it can help me when I go into communication courses out of the country. I have an interest in communications and media studies and I think one day I might want to become a writer or stage director but I feel that my ability to write isn't as good as it should be yet. so that's something I want to improve on. I like though how our class is based around technology because it makes being able to write and keep track of your progress way easier. I keep all of my information on my phone and the fact that I'm already on my phone for pretty much the whole class is kind of a bonus. like the only thing I really read is my twitter, I never really tweet I just follow a bunch of people. It's kind of just another way of getting information.

Reading tweets #2

After reading more of this book it keeps getting harder and harder to read, I find myself feeling literally sick #disgusting #needles 

One of the quotes that was hard to read was about how the main character would miss his veins and pump meth into his muscles #painful 

Nic and gack say that there gunna take nic's 2500$ and try to start selling meth themselves and make a tone of money #bigidea 

"It was like this horrible viscous cycle. The more I used, the more I did things I was ashamed of, and the more I had to used to never face that" #favquote 

I find it disturbing how gack sells meth with his dad, not to mention his dad brings dudes back to the apartment they sell meth out of #weird 

Reading tweets #1

I chose the book tweak(20) and so far it's pretty dark, I knew the book was about meth abuse but I didn't know how vivid it would be #intro 

I think that Lauren is going to die of an over dose and that her death will only push nic further into his relapse #prediction 

I was wondering Y Lauren's parents would give her so much freedom knowing she's a recovering addict, it seemed very easy for her to relapse #question  

There was a point in the book I really liked where nic was talking about how addicts attract to each other, it was a cool concept #comment 

If find it kind of pretty unsettling trying to get into the mind of some one who abuses crystal meth, anyone else #discuss