sea hawks

sea hawks

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Ten interesting facts

Cell phones- the teachers of tomorrow

How influential is progress to our society? Our whole society is based on change for the better. It doesn't make sense to me why everything else would be adapting for the future and hold back kids the ability to use portable technology to help them learn. I believe that cell phones should be used and embraced in school

I believe that cell phones make school easier and better. Considering how many kids have cell phones, there is a surprisingly low number of kids who cheat. Only 3 % of kids have admired to cheating on tests with cell phone . Parents and teachers don't know how to react o kids with cell phones because they didn't have them in their generation. Just because kids have cheated on test before in the past, people stereotype every one with a phone to be a Cheater. People have been distracting themselves in school since the begging of time and frankly the benefits out way the disadvantages Immensely

I think teachers should embrace cell phones in school, here are some interesting facts. 51% of 12 year old kids have cell phones, 53% of kids have cell phones at 13 and 72% of kids use their cell phones in class when there are no restrictions. If teachers used the technology today to help kids learn, information could be used quickly and efficiently and most important productively. There would be Internet access, access to apps, access to calculators and having all these thing in one tool capfuls save you thousands.

Having cell phones accessible in class is my ideal classroom. People could be doing essays by texting or download a math tutor app or even just looking up a word they didn't understand in the dictionary. Of course there would be rules like no texting during class or no phones during tests but other than that I can't see many draw back. It really just putting the fate of the kids in their own hands and trusting them to be responsible.

So in conclusion, I fully agree to having cell phones in school. Cell phones are a part of our everyday day life and if we don't learn to use them productively it will destroy us. it affects everyone, including you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

letter to the prime minister

Office of the Prime Minister
80 Wellington street
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0A2

Dear Prime Minister Harper,

I am writing to you today about joseph Kony. My name is Colin and I am a grade 10 student at College Sturgeon Heights Collegiate, in  Winnipeg Manitoba. In English class we have  been learning effective opinion writing like blogs, letters, etc. we have also been researching the Kony 2012 Invisible  Campaign.

I am sure you have received several emails over the past few days resulting from the 2012 Kony campaign. I fully agree with the message of the invisible children campaign and believe that Joseph Kony must be stopped

As you know Kont has taken over 66, 000 kids from there home, the international criminal court has him first for the most wanted criminals and he has claimed over 5 million lives

Mr. Prime Minister I believe that you should totally endorse the Kony 2012 campaign and do as much as you can to help the kids in Africa and the organization

I believe that Canada is one of the greatest countries in the world and we should do everything we can to help less fortunate countries and their great struggles

Monday, April 2, 2012

Character iPhone

24 hour technology experiment

I choose to do the experiment where you had to document every time you came in contact with technology

I realized that I am connecting with a piece of technology constantly, I ran out I room on my log because there were so many postings, it really gave me an idea on how much people rely On there technology, like people 80 years ago must have had to go outside and stuff to entertain themselves,

I learned that I spend a lot of my time using technology, I'll sit on the coach with a laptop and phone while watching t.v, and If I ever drift off in thought i instantly check my phone when I come back to reality and I'm constantly updating my Facebook to see what's happend in the last 5 seconds and looking back on it now it's sort of ridiculous, but on the other hand what else would I do in my spare time

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Writing sprints- is it possible to be addicted to technology and am I?

Yes it is possible for people to be addicted to technology, there are tons of people who already are, I don't know any of my friends who can go a whole day without texting someone or checking their Facebook, I don't know if it's as strong as an addiction but I think its more like they will always do it if the opportunity presents itself

I'm dont think im addicted to any technology but I'm not positive. It would be hard to tell if you are or not because then you would have to go a whole day without technology and I you couldn't do that because technology is part of our ever day life. It just makes everything easier

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Writing sprints- kony posters

I think that people shouldn't be ripping down any poster about anything unless they flat out say something pregidous or something that discriminates against some one. People have the right to voice their opinions and people have the right to not agree with them, if you don't agree you dont have to trash the other persons idea just to prove your right and show everyone that your so original and the main stream people are stupid followers, u think people need toad informed decisions and live and let live. People should believe whatever they want and let other people live the however they want

Thursday, March 8, 2012


1. One of the biggest concerns is that Kony 2012 is over simplifying Ugandan politics
2. The second concern is that they want the western government to support the Ugandan and sudan government who have been known to loot and rape people
3. The third concern I that only a third of the money being raised is being sent to Africa and the rest is used for media an other things

Is response he kony 2012 project said that all there financial records are open to see what they do with their money, they said that no matter what thy had to work with he Ugandan government to catch this war lord and they had to put the basic information like that so people could understand the basic idea I what the cause was for.

I think the cause is definitely legitimate, and I think that the only reason that there a skeptics out there is because people want to hate because they have nothing better to do the go against the flow of the social crowd while trying to sound smart by bringing up the opposite side of an argument that obviously shouldn't exist because tits for such a good cause, the way I see it is that instead of focusing on the superficial aspects of popular media we can focus on stuff that truly matters in the world

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Writing sprint- cell phone use

Yea I could live a day without my phone, I do it all the time, like If you were at the cabin and you forgot our charger you would have to go a day without your phone, it's easy when you can occupy with other things to do like playin a game or doodling or something.

I send around a 100 texts a day, none of them are really important, I can see about 20 of the try's I send being actually important but other than hat it's pretty much just useless information and talking

Friday, February 24, 2012

Writing sprint- top ten things you don't do on fb

1 never talk about how much you smoke weed
2 how drun4k you are
3 statuses that get updated every ten minutes
4 no selfys
5 people who think they can judge other people on statuses they make and think there so much better than everyone else
6 people who think every one of their ideas are genius
7 unfunny songs
8 no tbh statuses
9 edited pictures
10 drama and/or Facebook fights

Digital footprint

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Colin's English blog

Introduction paragraph:
Hey, my name is Colin, I started this blog for my English class, I've never blogged before but I've used Facebook and stuff so I kind of know what it's about, I'm going to be posting about lots of topics so read on